Okay Lets start this one off with a bang! Or should I say a Gun Blast! Our first look at teen rampage killing sprees starts off at the Columbine Massacre that accured 20th of April 1999 at 11.08am and carried on for an hour before the 2 Students who went on the Massacre turned the guns on themselves. 

Lets Start with a small history of the massacre and the students. 

Eric Harris: he was one of the shooters of the Columbine Massacre, he enjoyed wearing trench coats and combat boots. He was teased at school and as Brooks Brown (a student who went to school with Eric and Dylan) said he was the loser of the losers. 

Dylan Klebold: he was the second shooter and enjoyed wearing the same thing as Eric. 

The Massacre: The massacre started at about 11:08am and carried on for an hour leaving 15 people in total dead, 12 students, a teacher and the shooters. 

The Blame: these kids went into a school filled with people who teased, bullied and tormented them on a daily bases and Yet the main person who was blamed for the whole thing was Marilyn Manson! Which is weird because Eric and Dylan weren't even fans of Manson! They never blamed the kids that bullied those 2 guys or the fact that guns are so easy to get in America, in fact they didn't even blame the parents of the boys because it was just so easy to blame it on music and rock! I for one am fucking sick of this happening! The music is not the blame! i listen to Heavy metal, does that mean i'm gonna go and shot my class mates? NO!!!!!! I'm gonna put a fucking bullet in their head for teasing me and making my life a living hell!!! i'm truly sick of people always blaming bands for the actions of people! It is a pathetic cop out of the fucking world and they all need to get over this who thing about heavy music being evil and angry! Not all  of it is! I listen to very heavy music and i also listen to Creed! Is it so wrong for me to get angry at the fact that society in all its pathetic stupidity has blamed a Musician for what has happened?? Why blame them? Why not look at what really happened and blame the stupid little kids who bullied and teased these guys??? for me it's just not logical to blame someone who wasn't even in the same  place as the massacre! America and mainly other countries need to get over themselves and find out who really is at fault!!! 

Ok now that I have gotten that out lets go for another one! 

Do me a favour before reading this one go and google the samurai murder in south africa. 

This is the other one that pisses me off because now its not just society blaming the band its the actual killer!!!!!!! the samurai Murder is about a guy who got a samurai sword and a mask and went to a school and killed a boy and injured 3 others. This kid has major mental issues!! When asked why he had done it he said that it was because he listened to slipknot and the devil told him to do it! Wow... this is probably the most stupid statement i have ever read in my life! Slipknot did not hold a gun (or samurai sword) to this kid and say "you must go to school and harm these people!" NO THEY DID NOT AND NEITHER DID THE DEVIL!!!! these is not much that I can write about on this because there isn't a lot of information out there on it but this is just my logical point of view on things like this


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