This post will be long! but understand that I hate how society has brought in a "you must be in a label" thing!! so here we go!

Goth, Emo, Skater, Druggy, Jock, Poppy! We all know them and we all use them! We label people on their looks instead of who they are! We look at kids who wear skinny jeans and a tight top with a side path fringe that covers their entire faces and go "oh my god! it's an emo!!" Yes you are correct it is an emo but not all of them are emo and most emos don't have crappy lives.
Now I will sub-categorize all the labels and explain what they are and why people are place into these groups. This will offend people and if you do not agree with anything here feel free to start a discussion or send me hate mail.

Let's start with the Goth.. These are the people who go around in everything black and think they embrace "the darkness" by placing as many piercing in them as they can and get "hardore" tattoos! Some Goths dress really nicely but that's the old school Goths who embrace the Victorian style. Then you get the weird Cyber Goths... They are known for wearing Cyber goggles during the day and gas masks at night.. Really people does your girlfriend/boyfriend really smell that bad?
    There are many other Goths out there who all dress in black and most Goth guys dream of getting a spider web tattoo on their elbow... But I won't offend the Goths to much so lets move on.

Ah the Emos, here they are again with their skinny jean with tight tops and their sisters eyeliner smeared all over their faces! One of my favorite songs that discribes the Emo kids so well is The Emo Song by Adam and Andrew. Their moods are always "just ok" and they all sit in a dark room writing suicide notes. If you're going to sit in the dark jerking off the the blood on your wrist please remember is up the road, not across the street. For the Emos who have their hair so long that it covers their entire face, try moving the hair out your eyes, I can assure you that your life will be so much brighter!! And come on Emos, don't be clones. Guys who dress like girls just to get girls, it doesn't work, you will just look like a Tranny! now I'll leave the Emos to sit a contemplate what I have written here!
Next group!!

Skaters! These guys are usually placed in the stereotype as druggys, society is full of shit! Not all skaters are on druggys, ye most of them are  but not all. I can speak from experience, I used to skater and was never good at it! As  for the skaters who think they are so cool they are the best thing since sliced cheese, you are not! Any monkey can skate broad! You guys think you are to cool for school but in a few years time when your still living with your mom and your 21 in matric, you will be the idiot!! And not even musica will hire you! The only nice thing I can say about the skaters is that some skaters out there are good at what they do and don't have a big head about it, but those are very few and far between!! Well let's lave the skaters alone because I know they understand what I am saying.
Next group!

METAL HEADS!!! Ah the metal heads! Known to wear black pants, black shoes and a band t-shirt. These guys and girl are known to hate everything that isn't metal! First of all most of the band members in these bands were classically trained!! These metal heads need to understand there are other types of music our there other than just cannible corpse! Yes I am a fan of cannible corpse but I am not a closed minded girl like most metal heads. My music ranged from classical to punk to metal. I am authentic and most all of the groups I name here need to be that! Be yourself!! Don't try dress like every other Tom, Dick and Harry!!!

Poppys!! There are girls who spend forever on their make up and hair and wear so much pink that they look like pink candy floss!! They also wear dresses and skirts so short that you could swear they forgot to finish it! They stand in high heels that are ten feet tall and make them look like hookers!! They always tell people to wear pink and think that a nightmare before christmas shirt is scary and demonic! Get over yourself!! You need to realise that there are more colour than pink!! And as for their music! ARG!!! its just the same beat in every song played over and over and over and over again!! That music is ok when you are in a club but all day and everyday is just to much!!! One more thing to the poppys out there, when you apply your make up, please don't shovel it on and make yourself ook like you have had a cake smeared on your face! And please make sure you get a base that is the same color as your skin tone!! Or you will ust look like a clown!! but lets move onto a group that is the guy version of these poppy's!!

The Jocks!! These people are a bad as the poppy's! The only difference is these guys are called legends when they hook up with more then 3 girls in one night! They are so vain that they should have their own province for their egos!! They have the same music taste as the poppy's!! This is the worst music ever!!! and they complain about my music!! They also need to get over themselves!! But lets move on to the druggy's!!

Druggies! These are the people who would sell their mother for drug money! They get home from a "Stressful day" whip out the crack and do so many lines they start seeing pink unicorns in their bedrooms! And the pot heads who just have to smoke to relax! Try putting music on and relax to that!! No they have to get home and smoke their bong untill they eat the entire contentance of their fridge and pass out on the counter! I do not agree with these people.. Stop the drugs!! very one has a stressful day! That is life! honestly people, it does fuck up your system and for guys, it makes you shot blanks for the rest of your life!! but that's all I'll say..

There are many other labels out there and if you want me to do a subject on them let me know. I am more than willing o bitch about this planets human-race who should be on the cover contraception boxes to just know why woman should take them!!
1/31/2011 07:13:33 am

One word.


And not just people who smoke weed a lot, people who are "real" hippies. Have the hippie views and mentality, and such.

1/31/2011 07:05:41 pm

Jason once again i shall point out in my article i placed a very good argument regarding weed, it is proved that the men who smoke weed a lot will shoot blanks and kill the brain cells, i know this because my biological father smokes weed every day and it has not only fucked up his life but the whole families. i don't try and pick on just the weed smokers but the people who are also on tik and cocaine and all the other drugs out there, my ex boyfriend smokes weed and he wonder why he cant have children so one day he went to a doctor and the doctor told him it is because he smokes weed. he has not stopped and has become addicted to it. i went through a drug stage and even tho i dont do drugs now i would like more and more people think about the consequence of their drug habit. a friend of mine as just started weed and i have decided to terminate my friendship with him because i dont want to be around that stuff. my older brother smokes weed and only managed to get his matric, very close to failing, at the age of 21. hippies need to realize that they are fucking up their life but i also understand it is a life choice for them, i also know that when they come to terms with what is really going to happen to them it will be to late. but thank you for your comment.

2/1/2011 12:58:19 am

Actually I wanted to know what you had to say about hippies as a label, clique, and subculture :D

When I said, not just people who smoke weed a lot, "real" hippies. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't reffering to people who simply smoke weed, and all themselves hippies because of that.

It was more of a joke comment than anything else :)

2/1/2011 01:03:30 am

I also think you left out one major subculture, or label. The fundamentaly religous.

2/6/2011 09:43:04 pm

Jason i really enjoy these comments, u give me alot to think about and i will be doing an article on religeon very soon. :)

2/7/2011 09:57:47 pm

Looking forward to it :)


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