Yet again I am forced to post another article on religion... This is starting to get to much! I have been on loads of websites now looking up directing information and on almost every website that has a comment box there is always one person, at least, that has posted a comment on having faith in god. I believe that churches were built for people to go pray and talk about god in. The internet has become yet another place for all religions to get more people  into their cult. So far it's only the Christian group that has been so annoying in this area. I can't even sit at Mugg and Bean with my wicaan crystal bible without someone asking if it has some verse from the Christian bible. If the Christian bible was about crystals than I would have bought that one! It just amazes me how many people out there thank god for things and yet when they don't get what they want it's always "the devils fault." I'll give you a perfect example of that, There was an american football player who was also a paster and he opened his own church for people of all races to go to and it burnt down.. his reply to the whole matter was "It was done by a devil Driven group".. wow, Your right! Maybe the devil is hiding under my bed! I better go look! OH WAIT! The devil doesn't exist! Please people, show me prof of the devil! Go chop off his right hand and give it to me, than I will believe that he exists but until that day, there is only good and evil and people with really crappy childhoods. At birth we are all given the right to either be good or be evil. We make that choice, not god or the devil! Religion is just another way for society to control us and make us do stuff.. Please people open your minds and eyes!! It's all a marketing tool! You can believe that there is a higher power and you can believe that something created this world but do you have to believe that the higher power is some old guy sitting in the clouds stalking our every moment? It's kinda creepy! 
Alex Bond-Smith
7/20/2011 01:48:40 am

You have hit the nail on the head with your views on religion. Money making scams.

As for the people who wear their christianity etc on their sleeve and go on about how religious they are. I believe that they are hiding behind this and for the most part can be classified as "dodgy"


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